
Learn Rust

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What You’ll Learn

This book is structured to provide a comprehensive journey through Rust, starting from the fundamentals and progressing to advanced topics. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

1. Getting Started: Setting up your Rust environment, understanding Cargo, and writing your first Rust program.
2. Core Concepts: Delving into Rust’s ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes to grasp the language’s unique approach to memory management.
3. Data Structures and Enums: Exploring Rust’s powerful type system, including structs, enums, and pattern matching.
4. Error Handling: Learning robust error handling strategies using Result and Option types.
5. Concurrency: Harnessing Rust’s concurrency primitives to write safe and efficient multi-threaded applications.
6. Modules and Crates: Organizing your code effectively using modules, crates, and workspaces.
7. Advanced Features: Generics, traits, lifetimes, and more to write flexible and reusable code.
8. Performance and Optimization: Profiling, benchmarking, and writing high-performance Rust code.
9. Ecosystem and Tools: Navigating Rust’s ecosystem with popular libraries, frameworks, and essential tools.

Table of Contents

Why Rust?

Introduction to Rust

Basics of Rust

Ownership and Borrowing

Data Structures and Pattern Matching

Error Handling

Traits and Generics

Modules and Crates


Memory Management


Advanced Concepts

Testing and Debugging

Building Applications

Embedded and Systems Programming

Performance and Optimization

Ecosystem and Tools

Project Development