Java Programming

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Key Features of the Book
1. Comprehensive Coverage: The book spans a wide range of topics, starting from Java’s history and basic syntax, moving through core programming concepts, and advancing to topics like multithreading, database connectivity, and web development.
2. Hands-On Approach: Each chapter includes practical examples and exercises to help readers apply what they’ve learned.
3. Focus on Best Practices: Emphasis is placed on writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code, supported by real-world examples and design patterns.
4. Up-to-Date Content: Covers modern Java features such as functional programming, Streams API, and cloud integration, ensuring relevance in today’s technology landscape.
5. Step-by-Step Learning: The progression of topics is logical and incremental, making it easy for readers to build on their knowledge as they progress.
Table of Contents
Introduction to “Java Programming” by Davis Miller
- Introduction to Java
- History of Java
- Features of Java
- Java Editions
- Java Development Environment
- Installing and Setting Up JDK and IDEs
- Installing the JDK
- Setting Up an IDE
- Testing Your Setup
- Writing Your First Java Program
- Java Compilation Process
Basics of Java Programming
- Java Syntax and Structure
- Data Types and Variables in Java
- Type Casting
- Operators and Expressions
- Decision-Making Statements
- Loops
- Arrays
- Input and Output
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Classes and Objects
- Constructors
- Static and Instance Members
- Method Overloading and Overriding
- Access Modifiers
- Abstract Classes and Methods
- Interfaces
- Inner Classes and Anonymous Classes
Core Java Concepts
- Packages in Java
- Exception Handling
- Java Collections Framework
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- TreeSet
- HashMap
- TreeMap
- Iterators
- Streams and Parallel Streams
- Generics
- Enumerations
- Wrapper Classes
Advanced Java Topics
- Multithreading and Concurrency
- Thread Lifecycle in Java
- Creating Threads
- Synchronization
- Executors Framework
- Lambda Expressions
- Functional Interfaces
- Annotations
- Debugging Java Applications
- Using Build Tools in Java: Maven and Gradle
- Unit Testing with JUnit
- Logging Frameworks
- Java Util Logging (JUL)
- Log4j 2
- SLF4J with Logback
- Logging Levels
Working with Java Libraries
- Java I/O (Input/Output)
- File Handling
- Serialization and Deserialization
- Java NIO (Non-blocking Input/Output)
- Working with Dates and Times
- Regular Expressions (Regex)
Database Connectivity
- JDBC Overview
- JDBC Drivers
- CRUD Operations with JDBC
- Database Connection Pooling
- Introduction to Hibernate
GUI Development
- Introduction to Swing
- Introduction to JavaFX
Web Development with Java
- Introduction to Java Servlets
- Java Server Pages (JSP)
- JavaServer Faces (JSF)
- RESTful APIs Using Java JAX-RS Framework
- Introduction to the Spring Framework
Java in the Cloud and Microservices
- Introduction to Microservices Architecture
- Building RESTful Services with Spring Boot
- Deploying Java Applications in the Cloud
- Memory Management in Java
- Garbage Collection Mechanisms
Java for Modern Applications
- Java and Big Data: Hadoop Integration
- Machine Learning with Java Libraries: Weka and DL4J
- Java for IoT Applications
- Java in Android Development
Best Practices and Design Patterns
- Coding Best Practices: Writing Clean and Efficient Code
- Common Design Patterns
- Refactoring Techniques
- Developing a Java Application from Scratch
- Version Control with Git and GitHub
- Deploying Java Applications