Learn Haskell

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Why Learn Haskell?
1. Functional Paradigm: Haskell encourages a different way of thinking about problems by emphasizing functions, immutability, and expressions over statements.
2. Type Safety: Its strong, static type system helps catch errors at compile time, leading to more reliable and maintainable code.
3. Concise and Expressive: Haskell’s syntax is clean and expressive, allowing complex ideas to be conveyed in fewer lines of code.
4. Lazy Evaluation: Haskell uses lazy evaluation by default, meaning expressions are only evaluated when needed. This allows for powerful abstractions and performance optimizations.
5. Academic and Industry Adoption: While initially popular in academia, Haskell has seen increasing adoption in industry, especially in domains requiring high reliability and correctness, such as finance, compilers, and web development.
Table of Contents
Introduction to Haskell
- What is Haskell?
- History and Evolution of Haskell
- Benefits of Functional Programming
- Real-world Applications of Haskell
- Conclusion
Getting Started
- Installing GHC and Haskell Toolchain
- Setting Up a Haskell Project
- Overview of GHCi (Interactive Haskell)
- First Haskell Program: “Hello, World!”
- Conclusion
Core Concepts
- Functional Programming Paradigm
- Expressions vs. Statements
- Pure Functions and Immutability
- Laziness and Evaluation Strategies
- Conclusion
Basic Syntax and Constructs
- Haskell Syntax Overview
- Variables and Constants
- Comments
- Basic Data Types
- Conclusion
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Function Composition
- Higher-Order Functions
- Partial Application and Currying
- Anonymous Functions (Lambdas)
- Conclusion
Data Structures
- Tuples
- Lists
- Strings as Lists of Characters
- Arrays and Vectors
- Conclusion
Type System
- Static Typing and Type Inference
- Basic Types and Type Annotations
- Custom Data Types
- Algebraic Data Types (Sum and Product Types)
- Pattern Matching
- Type Classes and Instances
- Conclusion
Modules and Imports
- Creating and Using Modules
- Importing Functions and Types
- Qualified Imports
- Conclusion
Monads and Functors
- Introduction to Functors and Applicatives
- Monads: Concept and Motivation
- Common Monads: Maybe, Either, IO
- Monad Transformers
- Conclusion
Advanced Functional Programming
- Recursion and Tail Recursion
- Infinite Lists
- Foldables and Traversables
- Zippers
- Functional Design Patterns
- Conclusion
Concurrency and Parallelism
- Haskell’s Lightweight Threads
- The
and concurrent
- Example: Asynchronous Operations
- STM (Software Transactional Memory)
- Parallel Computing with Haskell
- Conclusion
Error Handling
- Handling Errors with Maybe and Either
- Exceptions in Haskell
- Custom Error Types
- Conclusion
I/O in Haskell
- Basic I/O Operations
- Working with Files
- Network Programming Basics
- Working with JSON and XML
- Conclusion
Testing and Debugging
- Writing Test Cases with HUnit and QuickCheck
- Property-based Testing
- Debugging Haskell Code
- Profiling and Performance Optimization
- Conclusion
- Template Haskell
- Generics
- Quasi-quotation
- Conclusion
Haskell Ecosystem
- Overview of Popular Libraries and Frameworks
- Using Cabal and Stack
- Hackage and Stackage
- Conclusion
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)
- Creating DSLs in Haskell
- Case Studies of DSLs in Haskell
- Conclusion
Interfacing with Other Languages
- Interfacing with C Using FFI
- Interfacing with Python and JavaScript
- Using Haskell in Web Development
- Conclusion
- Building a Web Server with Yesod or Servant
- Developing a CLI Application
- Working with Databases in Haskell
- Conclusion
- Optimizing Haskell Code
- Understanding GHC Optimizations
- Benchmarking with Criterion
- Conclusion
Research and Advanced Topics
- Category Theory in Haskell
- Haskell and Dependent Types
- Exploring Linear Types
- Haskell for Scientific Computing
- Conclusion