
Programming in Go

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Go, also known as Golang, is a modern, open-source programming language created by Google. Its simplicity, efficiency, and robust concurrency model have made it one of the most popular languages for developing scalable, high-performance applications. Key reasons to learn Go include:
Speed: Go compiles to native machine code, offering performance comparable to C/C++.
Concurrency: Built-in support for goroutines and channels simplifies concurrent programming.
Simplicity: Go’s minimalist design and straightforward syntax reduce complexity.
Portability: Cross-platform compatibility ensures Go applications run seamlessly on any operating system.
Community: Backed by an active community and extensive documentation.

Table of Contents

Introduction to “Programming in Go” by Davis Miller

Part 1: Getting Started with Go

Go Basics

Control Flow

Part 2: Core Concepts

Structs and Methods

Part 3: Advanced Topics


Interfaces and Polymorphism


Error Handling

Part 4: Practical Applications

File Handling

Testing in Go

Building Web Applications

Working with Databases

Working with Packages and Modules

Part 5: Advanced and Real-World Topics

Network Programming

System Programming

Go Toolchain

Performance Optimization

Best Practices and Go Idioms

Part 6: Projects and Case Studies

Real-World Projects

Conclusion to Programming in Go