
Elixir Programming

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Welcome to Elixir Programming, a comprehensive guide designed to help you master Elixir, a dynamic, functional language known for its scalability and fault-tolerant capabilities. Whether you’re a seasoned developer exploring functional programming or a newcomer looking for a modern language to build scalable systems, this book offers a structured approach to understanding and leveraging Elixir’s powerful features.

Elixir stands out in the programming landscape for its elegant syntax, seamless concurrency model, and its foundation on the robust Erlang VM (BEAM). These qualities make it a top choice for building applications that demand high availability, such as real-time systems, distributed applications, and microservices.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Elixir

Setting Up the Elixir Environment

Core Concepts

Core Functional Concepts

Enumerables and Streams

Recursion and Tail-Call Optimization

The Actor Model

Tasks and Agents

OTP Framework

Distributed Systems

Fault Tolerance and Resilience

Web Development with Phoenix

Working with Databases


Testing in Elixir

Performance Optimization



Building a Complete Application